After receiving an invitation e-mail from an event organizer, you can start booking travel!
On this page:
Step 1 - Search Flights
Following the link in the invitation e-mail, you can commence your journey by searching your ideal flights!
The event organizer may have already provided your departure airport and travel dates. After double-checking these, you can search for flights immediately.
Search results will contain available flights from various airlines, including full-service airlines and low-cost carriers. You can filter results by number of stops, airline and alliance, as well as departure flight duration and return flight duration. For every flight, you can also retrieve more details.
Next, you can Request your favorite flight, and fill out passenger details.
Step 2 - Passenger Details
As with any flight booking, you'll have to provide your passenger details. These will be sent to the airline upon booking flights, and data such as passport details, birth date and phone number are removed from SpeakerTravel when your flight is approved (or rejected).
Instead of having to supply frequent flyer details on check-in, you can also provide them here directly.
Once you enter your passenger details, you can Request flight approval.
Next Steps
After requesting flights, the event organizer will approve (or reject) your flights. When approved, you will receive an e-mail with flight tickets, your itinerary, and attached calendar items.
All that's left is heading to the airport, board your flight, and enjoy the event you are traveling to!